Charles Payne's Results

Charles Payne’s strategies have enabled him to beat the market for years – through some of the market’s toughest times and some of the best times. The results displayed on this page represent profits and losses realized through closed trades from Charles’ primary alert service. Results are for stock positions only, not options. Profits and losses are attributed to the year when the trade was opened. Of course, these results are not a promise that you’ll always be able to do what Charles does or implement his strategies perfectly. Positions shown here do not include those which are still open. The results displayed on this site are NOT current recommendations but are for historical context only. Individuals should not expect to enter into these positions as they are not currently active. All investments and strategies used to achieve these results may not suitable for you, your particular investment objectives, financial situation or needs. All final investment decisions are yours and individual performance will vary.

Charles wants to teach you how he invests so you can learn the reasoning behind the investments he takes and learn the difference between strong and weak investments. Now, more than ever, it's a 'stock picker's market'. Charles wants to enable you to better identify the factors that are consistent with successful investments and attempt to avoid those factors which are commonly found in losers.

As you may expect, every investment is not a winner but the majority of them are. Part of Charles’ strategy is to keep his losses to a minimum so his winners can overcompensate for inevitable losses. This balance has been one of the keys in helping him to obtain Unstoppable Prosperity.

To view results for 2020 and 2021, please click here.

Sources Cited:

DOW Performance Statistics:

S&P Performance Statistics: